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awning rails

hi im thinking of attaching an awning rail to my van has anyone done this and how easy is it also is there a certain one you need to use .

also id just like to say how much i hate EastEnders [but wife doesnt] BUT that jean is the only person worth watching she cracks me up lol..

thought id put that on instead of starting a new thread ..cheers.
guy and sharon


Fri 06 Jul 2012 @ 20:30 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I've been looking at this myself. Fairly cheap on ebay, just search for "awning rail". there appear to be both stick on and screw on types - I'd personally go for the screw on type (with some sikaflex underneath to seal it.

I think the cross section is pretty standard,and awning manufacturers don't seem to specify a certain brand.
Tue 10 Jul 2012 @ 14:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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yea seen these ive just got myself an awning although its not arrived yet but my wife found a smart way around both stick ons or screw ins ill post asap when she gets back from shopping lol but its about a piece of wood bungy bands ect sounds good tho ..


Tue 10 Jul 2012 @ 17:49 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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ok as usual cant find the bit now so heres wot it went like ...........................................
so youve got your awning but you dont have a rail fitted to your van SO instead of fitting the rail to your van and making holes ect you get a piece of wood fit the rail to that then you drill some holes each end and fit shock cord to the ends .also you put some thing that will not scratch your van to the back of the said piece of wood..
THEN you throw your cord over your van so that the piece of wood with your awning rail on it is the right hight and peg it down behind your van and at the front so the wood is secure [as you can make it ] against your van and then fit your awning as you normally would and peg it out ..........................and there you have it drive off you just release the cord attached to the wood .
get it.................

now ive not yet tried this and we just got an email saying that the awning we had brought we cant now have so it may be a while before i DO get round to trying it BUT it sound good to me so if youve understood any of this i hope it helps .............


Tue 10 Jul 2012 @ 22:55 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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cool. Keep us updated. I'll be interested to see how it works out.
Wed 11 Jul 2012 @ 09:00 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I have just had a vision of you not pegging the awning down enough and getting up in the morning to find all your stuff in the awning wet and the awning now on the french side of your van with 25 sheep happily using it for shelter
p.s if this does happen make sure you upload a picture


Fri 13 Jul 2012 @ 08:49 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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i have similar thoughts a long way toward the bottom of the to do list !.. so well done on having fixed everything else and gotten further down the list than i have

my query on fixing awning rails (or even roll out awning things) onto the side of the van is how do you ensure you get a secure fixing ?
i could easily screw through the outer skin into polystyrene and not know about it until the rail gets ripped off on a gusty night!
Fri 13 Jul 2012 @ 09:49 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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well. collecting awning tomorrow so watch this space......thats if it ever stops raining


Mon 16 Jul 2012 @ 16:40 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Bob Hillier
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Just remember to tie the rail over your van AND down the side. Good fix in windy (well breezy) conditions, Fixed a 12 foot awning the same way.

We don`t stop when we get old, but get old when we stop

Mon 16 Jul 2012 @ 21:03 View Bob Hillier   Email Bob Hillier   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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