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Oilseal change.

Hi to all,

Having put together Jason's Land-cruiser engine and replaced the oil seals on his oil pump I thought I should take a look at my own oil pump, and found the oil seals to be hard and very flat to the oil pump metal.
So today I made it a job for the afternoon since the Corsa cylinder head has not yet came back from the machine shop, they are only O-ring seals and once the oil pump is out of the engine quite easy to change.
So on the cold start tomorrow morning I would hope to see an improvement in the speed of the oil pressure coming up on the gauge, we shall see!



Sat 23 Apr 2016 @ 16:53 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Oil seals.

Hi to all,

Oil pump O-ring seals were changed yesterday so the trip out to Jason's Bedford today was the test to gauge any improvement, and there was some improvement in the speed of oil reaching the oil galleries and putting off the oil warning light, but not as good as I thought it might be.
So I think the one way ball valve in the oil pickup pipe in the sump would still be a better improvement to make and as long as the sump and pickup pipe were cleaned before fitting and the engine oil was changed on a twelve thousand mile program it would work very well.



Sun 24 Apr 2016 @ 19:19 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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