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First trip of the season.

Hi to all,

A short time away but an important journey of 250 miles, should have been longer but the weather turned cold and wet but the value of that mileage is in finding out what work needs to be done to make life easier out on the road for the rest of the summer, when it gets here!
So new CB points and a spark plug change with a small adjustment to the carb/fuel set up should take care the odd misfire on the way home, plus some additive in the fuel tank.
Should help to keep the old Bedford running for another six months.



Thu 03 May 2018 @ 15:43 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Miles to gallon check.

Hi to all,

Travelling as I did on A roads to and from the west coast and not the best of maintained roads my mileage works out at 21 MPG without being able to make use of the overdrive unit, quite pleased with that.
I find the overdrive unit works best over fifty five mph such as on the motorway which gives me another 4 miles per gallon and for the weight of the Bedford with all the stuff I carry that is not bad.



Fri 04 May 2018 @ 11:21 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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