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neither colin nor I decide on the site.... you lot do

At the meet it is decided where [the area] the next one will be by those that attend and the only rule is somewhere we haven't been [and we try to keep it so that it goes north- south and east - west so that it's fair to all on costs getting to the meets so basically whoever is organising gets a deal on the site and makes sure that all runs smoothly.
we all take stuff for the barbie and chuck it in for everyone to share.
so you two guys could you get a price for an area for the bedheads and a unit price per night as some can't make it for the thurs to monday.
it should cover us for insurance as we don't got any [which is why we use sites]
post the prices and we'll do a vote on it.

if you can find out a list of things happening local and post it that is useful.

have a look at the previous years and see what goes on. over to John and Pompey [fireman sam hee hee ]
i know it's really hard to get a place we can have a bonfire [and finding two boy scouts to rub together to start it] but a barbie is ok as a substitute.
having been involved in fighting the forest fires in '76 i wouldn't want to see any more beautiful trees burnt.


Mon 11 Sep 2006 @ 08:54 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Right if the General opinion is Holmsley then I will ring them up in the next few days........I will also start another thread to guage how many will be taking part.

As soon as I have more detail I will let everyone know

Stay Safe


Mon 11 Sep 2006 @ 11:58 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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OK SEAN GO FOR IT.........HAVE ADDED MY info on the new thread, we will be staying the week as we always spend easter at the forest
Mon 11 Sep 2006 @ 16:54 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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