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Hello everybody

Hi, everybody,
I joined abot a month ago, but haven't put anything here yet. Not that i'm anti-social, honestly, just snowed under with work and my gorgeous van which still doesn't work! I don't feel I can be a real owner ill I've slept in it furter from home than the car park at the end of my street.
Anyway, I have always loved the look and engine sound of the Bedford CF, so when I decided to blow my savings on a camper there was no contest. I'm one of those saddoes who think politics matter, and I'm standing for the Scottish Parliament in next year's elections. However, I'm not standing where I actually live, but in the gorgeous countryside of Berwickshire nd Roxburghshire in the Scottish Borders. So, I plan to live in and campaign from my Beddie every weekend fro now til May next year.
Once I get the new engine fitted! If any other Bedford CF nuts are rolling around Kelso, or Eyemouth, or Hawick, you'll be very welcome to join me - I promise not to make you take a shot on the megaphone!;D


Wed 20 Sep 2006 @ 19:05 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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